The past few weeks marked the days after my eighth grade year. In a few more months, this little fish is going to high school as a freshman. It's too bad I'm not so hyped like I should be. Why become so hectic after weeks of reading, writing, working, etc? I'm not a control freak, so I believe that I'm gonna stand firmly on my emotions and just go with the flow .
**Shout outs to incoming freshmen of high schools and university levels!
Has it tempted me to attend a few years at a community college? I hope to take on that challenge someday.
From Day One, Community has promoted the hashtag, #SixSeasonsandaMovie . It is a great accomplishment when anybody reaches their goals, but bonus points for long-term mindsets.
13 Episodes
Produced and Re-Aired by Yahoo!
Shirley, Pierce, and Troy have left the nest , but the fun doesn't stop until the arrival of CFO, Frankie, who has banned alcohol, among a listful of items, on campus.